Sweetheart Dance

Ecumenical Retirement Community 624 Wilhelm Road, Harrisburg, PA

Sweetheart Dance Thursday, February 13th from 6:00–8:00 PM Building 3 Dining Room 3525 Canby St, Harrisburg Put on your dancing shoes and join us for an evening of dancing, cocktails and light refreshments. Feel free to bring a loved one with you. Space is limited, be sure to RSVP at the Concierge desk or contact...Continue Reading


Ecumenical Retirement Community 624 Wilhelm Road, Harrisburg, PA

Join us as we kick off the holiday season with our annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Greet Santa as he makes a grand entrance on the Progress Co. First Truck with photos for the whole family yo follow! Enjoy cookies, hot chocolate and holiday cheer with family, friends and neighbors. It's a heartwarming celebration you won't...Continue Reading

Car Wash

Ecumenical Retirement Community 624 Wilhelm Road, Harrisburg, PA

Stop by on August 31 from 12 PM - 3 PM and let us wash your car! All funds collected will benefit the Ecumenical Retirement Community Sharing Shed!

The Longest Day

Ecumenical Retirement Community 624 Wilhelm Road, Harrisburg, PA

The sun never sets on those who care for loved ones with dementia. To celebrate The Longest Day, we invite you to join us on Wednesday June 21 for campus activities, bake sale and raffle and a community walk around campus!

GRACE Caregiver Network

Ecumenical Retirement Community 624 Wilhelm Road, Harrisburg, PA

Our free monthly sessions are open to anyone in the community whether in person or via Zoom. We offer speakers, discussion of memory support challenges and advice to provide education, strategies and empathy.

Easter Egg Hunt

Ecumenical Retirement Community 624 Wilhelm Road, Harrisburg, PA

Join us for an Easter Egg Hunt and get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny while enjoying face painting, cookies and refreshments.

Career Fair

Ecumenical Retirement Community 624 Wilhelm Road, Harrisburg, PA

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